
Do you provide an outstanding service, solution or product for your customers? Do you consult to businesses to enable their growth or improve their productivity? Has your company given your clients a competitive advantage that has enabled them to attract or retain their own customers? This award celebrates businesses who help their customers to increase sales, profitability or performance through a competitive advantage, recognising the impact of ‘enablers’ that offer value beyond products, solutions and services.

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Do you provide an outstanding service? Have you built long-term client relationships? Do you have high levels of repeat or referral business? Are you continually adapting or innovating to gain a competitive edge?

Customer loyalty is the strongest foundation for growth and resilience, enabling businesses to prosper in all market conditions.

This award celebrates businesses who can demonstrate the highest levels of customer loyalty, engagement, and experience.

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Have you achieved significant international growth with your product or service? Has a relationship with a business partner overseas delivered significant growth in your company’s sales and profits? This award recognises successful British businesses that have achieved the highest and most sustainable levels of international growth through exporting products, services and solutions.

** Judging will take place in London on Monday 30th September, please ensure you are available on this judging date when entering **

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As the talent landscape continues to evolve, employers of all sizes need the right blend of skills, experience and capability from a multi-generational workforce to be productive, innovative and effective. Being recognised as a an employer of choice is vital to attract those with the most sought-after skills and retain the best people. Employee and candidate expectations about where, how and why they work have changed, with wellbeing, personal & professional development, and flexibility as important as salary and other financial incentives. This award celebrates organisations that go the extra mile through all stages of the employee lifecycle, from recruitment to inclusion and career progression. Judges will look for evidence of how employees are engaged in company values and purpose, how human and supporting resources have been optimised, and how this has made you an employer of choice in your industry. They will also look at investment in people and their development, initiatives to create a more collaborative culture, and the impact this has had on commercial performance.

** Judging will take place in London on Friday 06th September, please ensure you are available on this judging date when entering **

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Are you an inspiring and visionary founder who has proved a concept, built a new business model or has a track record of successfully scaling businesses? Have you created value for your team, your investors or the wider community? Why are you an exemplary leader and what can the wider entrepreneurial community learn from your philosophy and approach? Focusing on the personal contribution of a dynamic leader, this Award recognises an enterprising individual who has achieved sustained growth and strong financial performance by building an engaged and productive team with a culture of innovation and resilience, effective management and inspirational leadership.

** Judging will take place in London on Friday 20th September, please ensure you are available on this judging date when entering **

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The FTSE 100 Business of the Year Award celebrates excellence amongst the UK’s biggest firms. It recognises corporate employers of choice that have delivered the highest levels of customer service and loyalty, and the best returns to shareholders, whilst creating value and opportunity in the communities and markets they operate in. A long list of nominees is compiled to identify 10 exemplary businesses with inspirational leaders who are invited to champion both their organisations and their industries as finalists for this award.

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The UK economy has tested the resilience of businesses over the last year, with higher interest rates, inflation and cost of living. Yet against this backdrop those who have innovated, adapted, and seized the right opportunities have achieved impressive growth. Has your business maximised leadership, service, innovation, people and purpose to increase sales, profitability, or market share over the last 2 years? This award recognises businesses achieving growth across a range of metrics and a robust plan to deliver sustained financial success and impact.

** Judging will take place in London on Monday 23rd September, please ensure you are available on this judging date when entering **

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Innovation has made the UK world-leading in a variety of industries and enabled it to create new ones. Is innovation or a culture of continual improvement at the heart your organisation? Has your business successfully challenged established market leaders or proved the commercial success of a new product, process, solution or service? This award celebrates British innovation in all of its forms across the private, public and third sectors, and recognises organisations of all sizes and stages of scale that have successfully applied innovation. Judges will look for evidence of how applied innovation, invention or improvement have had an exemplary impact on your business, industry or community.

** Judging will take place in London on Friday 04th October, please ensure you are available on this judging date when entering **

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Has your new business demonstrated impressive growth and resilience over the last three years? Have you scaled your new business and proved the success of your product or service? Has your mission, plan and team impressed a lender or investor enough to help fund your growth – or have you grown organically with profitable sales? If your high performing new business has been trading for fewer than three years and you have an inspirational success story to tell, this could be your award. New Business of the Year recognises companies that have exceeded their initial targets for growth and made an impact in their industry with great innovation, service and leadership. Tell us how your concept and business plan has met and overcome challenges, how you have adapted to the demands of your market, shown significant innovation, built a strong team and why it has the foundations for continued success and further growth.

** Judging will take place in London on Monday 09th September, please ensure you are available on this judging date when entering **

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With over 5.5m SMB’s in the UK, they are truly the backbone of the British economy as drivers of employment, value and impact. Are you proud of what your company has achieved, how you have been successful, and why people choose to work for you and with you in such an intensively competitive market? Celebrating the economic contribution of Small to Medium-Sized Businesses, this award recognises SMBs that have maintained consistent growth and strong financial performance, understand their customers, have an engaged workforce with effective leadership, and are continually innovating to support future growth.

** Judging will take place in London on Monday 16th September, please ensure you are available on this judging date when entering **

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Are you a business that puts sustainability, social and environmental impact at the core of your values, operations and ambitions? Is sustainability a fundamental part of your business plan, and is it a key part of how you measure success? How are you driving this in your supply chain and local community? Open to private, public and third sector organisations, this award recognises those demonstrating the commercial case for a sustainable and ethical approach. This award highlights the role of organisations of all sizes in addressing social, economic, environmental and ethical challenges and achieving commercial success. The Sustainable Business of the Year will recognise those organisations that have achieved meaningful and sustainable impact through partnership, investment, pro-bono work or employee led initiatives. Judges will look for evidence of how you have brought your values to life, embedded the approach throughout the whole organisation and aligned them with your commercial objectives.

** Judging will take place in London on Monday 09th September, please ensure you are available on this judging date when entering **

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The business case for diversity, equity & inclusion grows year after year, with a wealth of evidence that it drives both employee and customer engagement, improves productivity, and enables more profitable growth. Yet it still hasn’t been fully embraced by the majority. Often, it is a visionary and influential individual or market leader who drives diversity as a role model, advocate, challenger or champion. Diversity champions are pro-active in driving the right initiatives, defining the most meaningful metrics and proving the commercial case for DE&I. They encourage open conversations, challenge the status quo and bring people together with a shared vision of a more inclusive future. The DE&I Champion of the Year Award is open to any individual or business that is able to demonstrate the success of DE&I policies and initiatives to improve diversity, equity or inclusion.

** Judging will take place in London on Monday 30th September, please ensure you are available on this judging date when entering **

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Have you consolidated your position in the market with clear competitive differentiation and a loyal client base? Have you exceeded growth expectations or stayed ahead of the curve in your industry? This award celebrates the contribution of Mid-Sized Businesses, or MSBs, to the UK economy in creating employment and value. Contenders for this award can demonstrate exceptional financial returns, sustained growth, effective customer and innovation strategies, and market prominence in their sector.

** Judging will take place in London on Monday 23rd September, please ensure you are available on this judging date when entering **

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Have you taken the leap to launch your first venture within the last 18 months? What challenges have you overcome and what opportunities have you seized to succeed or build the foundations for future growth?

This award celebrates the potential that exists within founders of the UK’s most promising start-ups and scale-ups to create value and impact.

Focusing on the market opportunity identified, the model to capitalise on it, and how it has been implemented within the first 18 months of trading, judges will look at how initial targets and KPIs have been exceeded, the vision and plan for growth and the founder’s understanding of key challenges, customers and how to differentiate from competitors.

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A shared vision and purpose gives direction to teams and galvanises people to go beyond to achieve a meaningful and ambitious goal. A clear purpose engages a range of stakeholders, from customers and employees to investors, who are reassured by a long-term plan for impact and growth. This special award recognises organisations who put their purpose before profit and prove that ethics, integrity and a social conscience make commercial sense. The British Business Excellence Awards wants to pay tribute to those organisations that have gone above and beyond to make a real impact in their industry or community.

** Judging will take place in London on Monday 16th September, please ensure you are available on this judging date when entering **

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UK scale-ups generate £1.3trn in revenues and 8% of SME employment, despite representing less than 1% of businesses, according to the Scale-Up Institute. If you have achieved average annualised growth of at least 20% over the last three years, and exceeded expectations over the last 18 months, you deserve the recognition of your peers. Has your business entered a new phase of growth, with a substantial increase in sales, headcount, profitability, market share or geographical expansion in recent years?

This award recognises scaling businesses that are demonstrating the highest levels of growth and a robust plan to deliver sustained financial success.

** Judging will take place in London on Friday 20th September, please ensure you are available on this judging date when entering **

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There are over 5.5 million small businesses in the UK, which employ nearly 13 million people and generate £1.6 trillion in revenue (GOV.UK) so play a vitally important role in both national and local economies. Despite the impact of the pandemic and acute talent shortages, many small businesses have not only demonstrated their resilience but innovation and customer engagement to succeed over the last year. Celebrating the contribution of Small Businesses to the UK economy, this award recognises exemplary firms that have sustained growth, adapted to the changing expectations of customers and the evolving workforce, demonstrated effective leadership, and are continually innovating to succeed.

** Judging will take place in London on Tuesday 01st October, please ensure you are available on this judging date when entering **

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Technology continues to transform industries, changing how and where people work, improving the way organisations transact and deliver impact. The UK tech sector is driving change and innovation across all industries with solutions to enable scale, improve efficiency and increase profitability. It’s helping challengers to compete with market leaders and industry giants to become more agile. This award recognises tech businesses that have re-written the rules on how to grow and create value, demonstrating the highest levels of innovation, customer engagement and growth and a robust plan to deliver sustained financial success.

** Judging will take place in London on Tuesday 01st October, please ensure you are available on this judging date when entering **

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